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Weight Training Reminders

Notebook and Pen

Journal and Goals

September 5, 2018

This is a friendly reminder that we will be taking our workout journals to the gym with us on Thursday, September 6, 2018. You will need to have your goal ready and checked off before we leave to the gym.

Teenage Students Raising Hands

Physical Forms and Disclosure

August 30, 2018

This is a reminder that all physicals and disclosures are PAST due. If I do not have these prior to next class, students will do book work instead of going to the gym and receiving their points for the day. Please let me know if there are concerns. 

Bullet Journal

Note to Parents

August 26, 2018

Dear Parents, 

This is just a friendly reminder that your student will be traveling to The Iron House Gym each A day for Weight Training. Please remind your student that they should have appropriate athletic gear along with athletic shoes. Student should have WATER with them for each class time. 

Weight Training

Setting Goals: 







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